
How Does God Really Feel About Haiti?

Seth Barnes wrote a blog about how God feels about Haiti, something that was revealed to him earlier this week:

God weeps for
his children. He sees the horror they’re experiencing in Haiti and he
feels a grief that human words cannot describe. He sees the woman
holding her crushed child and he feels the sorrow coursing through her
being. He wants to hold her in the same way.
The sovereignty of God is a mystery that seems at odds with a
tragedy of this scale. As humans we struggle to explain how a good and
omnipotent God can allow it. 
Worship is the proper response, not speculation or theology on the
cheap. For a Christian leader to speculate on national television, for
example, about the linkage between the country’s leaders’ pact with the
devil centuries ago and this calamity is irresponsible and grossly
insensitive. It’s an anthropomorphic syllogism akin to Peter asking
Jesus for permission to build booths on the Mount of Transfiguration.
Too often we Americans let our rational minds spin with
speculative and convoluted proof-texting. And I want to say, “Can we
just stop having to explain this God of ours in ways that bring our
tiny minds a shabby and evanescent peace? Can we just let his response
be the one that he took four chapters to give Job* starting with,
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?”
God help us when we go through our similar tragedy one day, be it
through cancer or a car accident. We will have a choice, to bow at the
tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and ask “Why?” Or, to bow at the
tree of Life and worship. Let’s choose the latter, knowing that our God
weeps for his children in Haiti.
*Job 38-41