
Hope & Salvation in Haiti

We continue to send short-term teams to Haiti. Steve Hammonds currently serves as Ministry Coordinator for Haiti; World Race alumnus Mark Newland is leading teams this summer in Haiti.  Here are some of their highlights from and reflections of ministry there so far.

Steve’s been in Haiti since the end of May and here’s how God’s been moving:
  • Twenty-six people, as of July 13, 2011, have been baptized!
  • One team led a family of four to salvation.  This family stopped Steve and the team in the street:

…They wanted to give their lives to God and asked us to help them do that. We walked them back to their house and all at once, the entire family accepted God into their hearts and lives!

  • God is healing all sorts of illness!
  • Fourteen year old Guyver leads vacation Bible school and preaches in the tent city.
Read more directly from Steve on his blog!
Mark Newland observed that in places like Haiti, attempts to help seem to do little to advance progress:

Things aren’t getting easier, and time and time again I see teams come through here and see the tent communities and the broken system and the injustice and, in some way or another, usually solidify in themselves the recognition of one fact: this world can not be fixed by this world. The poverty and despair they see are the result of this world trying to fix itself, hopelessness bringing more hopelessness.

He continues in his post how he believes the cycle of hopelessness is being broken.

If you’d like to join in on the ministry going on in Haiti, check here for opportunities to go!