
Four Months Without Help

They need shelter from their shelters. 

It has been four months
since the earth shook with an intensity previously unknown to the
residents of Port-Au-Prince. Millions of dollars in aid has been sent to
Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of tents and tarps have been distributed amongst the

But for the roughly 3,500 who live in Kdatp there has been no help. There is still no

Instead of sleeping on bedsheets, they sleep beneath
them – frail, tattered pieces of cloth held up by sticks, blown easily
by the wind and leaving little protection from the rain and disease
carrying pests. These small shelters each house five to seven people. They construct pallets of rock or lie down to rest on
torn pieces of cardboard. They search through piles of decaying, toxic
garbage in search of anything that may be used to improve their meager

They need tarps. They need food. They need water.

need YOU!

How can you help?

$30 USD will replace one of the 577 bed sheet shelters and provide a family
with two tarps to create a more weather resistant shelter.
If you would like to help, click here. Please include ” for Ktadp” in the memo of your payment.