
A Look Into Ministry in Haiti-Sports Ministry

It is probably no surprise that Haitians love soccer.  When they are not busy working or at school they are playing or watching it. It is an integral part of their culture.  Other sports are not as common here, although they will shoot some hoops or toss a football around.  Sports ministry is a great way to connect with people, especially ones who are not likely to come to a church service. 
Last week we had a team of 25 participants from an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) group from Schoolcraft, Michigan.  They were able to use their sports skills to connect and build relationships with people in a surrounding tent community.

 Soccer, as the official sport of the world, is an easy way to make instant connections with people
 Once they see a soccer ball, the Haitians come running to play.

The advantage of sports ministry is there is no language or culture barrier.  Everyone just wants to have fun and play the game
 Though Basketball is not as popular, it doesn’t take too long to get a few games going.
  This is an intense game: Haitians vs. Americans

  At the end of the games is an opportunity for a brief testimony and
everyone is invited to church.  Good sportsmanship and positive
attitudes while you play are important because you are representing
 The littler kids often enjoy doing less physical
activities like tossing a football back and forth or throwing the



It doesn’t matter what sport you play or how you play it. What matters is the relationships that are built and creating opportunities to share the love of Christ with everyone.