
Adam’s At It Again: Haiti Still Needs Help

In February, we sent a team of leaders, mostly in youth ministry, to Haiti; they were our Youth Ministry Advance Team: Haiti, or just, YMATH.
This intrepid group not only surveyed the damage and need but was a part of bringing relief and bearing witness to God’s increased presence in the midst of — because of and in spite of — the tragedy. 

One of the members, Adam McLane, is going back five months later. Here’s what he has to say:
In some ways I can’t wait to go back and see how things are progressing.  And in other ways I am scared to go back because I think things are a lot worse.
I’ve heard mixed reports.
Adam McLaneThis time, he’s taking 19 others, many of whom have not met each other. Here are just three reasons why he’s returning to Haiti:
1. While the cameras and celebrities (and the money they bring) have left Haiti, millions remain homeless. Two thirds of the city’s residents still sleep on the ground.  Can you imagine “camping” for six months, sleeping on the bare dirt, trying to find food every day? The hard work of rebuilding has not begun. This is still very much a relief effort. (emphasis added)
2. The local church is still the primary instrument of relief. My entire adult life I’ve listened to pastors say, “We just need to move the church back to Acts 2.” Well, it is happening in Haiti! And I want to support them however I can. I don’t want to sound judgmental, but I openly wonder where those church leaders are who claim they want to see Acts 2 in their communities. If they were serious, they would be in Haiti.
3. The situation for the orphans and widows is dire.  Last week the New York Times published a beautiful piece about a young girl named Daphne. You should read it; it’s a story of hope and despair. As you read it, ask yourself what I have been asking myself, “Why aren’t believers telling these stories to churches?” I hope to meet some Daphne’s and tell you their stories.
“Rome wasn’t built in day,” they say, and the cliché holds true for this nation. There is progress, however slow: more rubble gets cleared from the roads and students have been going back to school. Haiti will be reborn and rebuilt; it is just a question of when.
To hasten the movement from relief to recovery, we need the church in America to commit to partnering with the church in Haiti for the long-haul. Haitians are turning to God in increasing numbers, drawing upon the local church for sustenance; the pastors are like Moses and they need extra hands to hold up their arms as they seek the Lord on the country’s behalf.